My role is not to tell you what to eat, when to eat, or how much to eat. My role is to help you understand how your life experiences and social conditioning are connected to your food choices and the way you feel about your body.”
-Michelle Viña-Baltsas

My Story

While I’ve always loved food, my relationship with food was imbalanced and obsessive for most of my life. I started dieting before I started elementary school and by adolescence, I developed binge eating disorder (BED) which I struggled with for several decades. In addition to BED, I also had a love-hate relationship with my body which significantly affected all my relationships.

While looking for another diet book, I stumbled (I believe it was divine intervention) on the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works, and my life changed forever. While I was skeptical that I would be able to follow the 10 principles and experience the freedom the authors described, I was desperate to stop trying harder but instead to try something different! After all, I now had a child and I knew I couldn’t be the mother I wanted to be because I was constantly consumed with my weight, my body, and what I was eating. It was exhausting and I just couldn’t do it anymore.

I thought I’d be able to embody intuitive eating on my own but I struggled to integrate the principles into my life which I’ve come to learn is very common. This is one of the reasons why working with someone who is certified in intuitive eating is so important, especially in the beginning stages.

Working with various coaches at different times in my recovery has helped me to overcome challenges, develop life-long tools, and build the confidence and resilience I needed to thrive during these mid-life years. My clients have found the same to be true.

My Goal as Your Coach

For a decade, I’ve been a Certified Intuitive Eating Coach and a Certified Holistic Health Coach. I passionately support midlife women who crave to have a more peaceful relationship with their food and body so they can live more fulfilling and joyful lives.

My primary goal when I coach is to help my clients know that they have a professional ally in their anti-diet journey. Rejecting diet culture often fosters feelings of isolation which can be discouraging and cause old, behaviors to persist or resurface. Coaching helps to bridge the gap between dieting, food freedom and body satisfaction by providing non-judgmental support, professional guidance, tools, tips and resources.

Navigating life can be a challenge, but experiencing midlife can dial up the fears and insecurities like never before. That’s why having support in place is key to thriving during this pivotal time in someone’s life.

My Training

I’m a trauma-informed, professionally trained food and body image coach specializing in helping midlife women find peace in their bodies. My training includes:

  • Professional mentorship with Summer Innanen body image coach

  • Professional mentorship with Brianna Campos, LPC, body image coach, educator

  • The Playing Big Facilitator’s Training by women’s leadership expert, Tara Mohr, where I mastered coaching techniques to help women overcome self-doubt and fear.

  • Certified Intuitive Eating Coach trained and certified by the Intuitive Eating Pros - Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

  • Completed training courses with Connie Sobczak of The Body Positive and from some of the top food and body image professionals

  • Completed the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) course with Kristin Neffs’ Center for Mindful Self-Compassion

  • I hold a B.A. in Communication Studies from S.U.N.Y. Oswego

  • As a life-long learner, I continually receive training in disordered eating I periodically attend supervisory groups to continue honing my coaching skills.

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The difference between spending money on diet and spending money on incorporating intuitive eating into your life is that with intuitive eating, you only have to do it once.
— Kathleen Bishop, LCSW, Body Peace and Liberation

I’ve had a long road to recovery, but I wouldn’t change any of it because it’s made me the person I am today. Now I celebrate my body for all the amazing things it does for me every day.

I celebrate food for its ability to nourish, comfort and bring me joy without stressing or feeling guilty about my food choices. Now I’m finally at peace with my eating and my body which is what I craved for so many years and sought in every diet I tried.

If my story resonates with you and you want to discover peace in your relationship with food. body and movement, I’d love to connect with you. I believe recovery is possible for everyone. It’s usually more peaceful and less stressful when you have a professional supporting and guiding you in your journey. Let me show you how.

Ready to take the next step? Schedule a connection call with me today!
