Client Love
“I had heard Michelle interviewed on several podcasts and I liked her style and way of approaching life and movement. I particularly appreciate that Michelle is older than many of the coaches that are available. Her age is more in alignment with mine and there are things that are particular to midlife that is not always the strength of younger coaches. Her approach to your relationship with movement is unique and is SO helpful. I really enjoyed working with her for several sessions to untangle things that I still needed to deal with. A lifetime of diet culture takes a long time to sort out. I highly recommend Michelle especially if you are needing to reorganize the role of movement in your life- taking a step out of the culture of pain, punishment, and “shoulds”. It was just the thing I needed to be able to approach retirement, exercise, and eating with joy and ease. Thank you, Michelle!”
“I contacted Michelle first because I thought I needed help on how I should be eating during menopause. She helped me with more than I could imagine. I learned more about menopause and how to accept myself during this part of my life, as well as reflecting about what I had done in my journey to this point that was holding me back and affecting me in ways I never knew. I love her gentle, funny nature and we have great discussions. I am finding my experience with her so positive. I didn’t know what to expect, but I am glad I took the leap to call her and recommend her to all who are going through this ‘time in our lives’.”
“I approached Michelle after I heard her speak on a podcast. I wanted to get rid of my food guilt, my insecurity around my belly fat, my bingeing, and my all-around disordered relationship with food. Michelle was SO helpful! She was so compassionate yet had a really great way of challenging me to change my perspective around food, diets, and what it means to truly be healthy. Since working with Michelle, I do not suffer from food guilt, I no longer diet and I finally feel free from the stress of diets and the pressure to have a perfect figure. I would recommend Michelle to anyone who has ever felt like they need to punish themselves for eating. I would recommend her to anyone who needs to change their relationship with food and is just downright exhausted with diet culture and the pressure surrounding it. I am so much more at peace with food and my body since working with Michelle.”
“Before working with Michelle, I felt overwhelmed. A big part of me wanted to have consistent movement in my life and another part of me felt a wall of resistance to movement. This daily struggle was wearing me down and I felt guilt and depression to not be able to find my way out of this situation. After my first session with Michelle, I felt much more at ease. I was able to be curious about this resistance and find clarity about how to find my way to consistent movement. The shift has been amazing and I now move and rest with joy in a delightfully organic way. I’m so grateful to Michelle’s coaching! I only wish I had made this investment sooner, but our journeys take their own paths. ”
“My journey with Michelle has been nothing short of life-changing. She is an honest, open, compassionate, and fun person, who has made the beginning of my Intuitive Eating journey so much better. I worked with Michelle from July 2021 to February 2022 and in that time made dramatic leaps in self-growth. She helped me to reflect, encouraged me during difficult times, and supported me during great times! I know I am still at the beginning of my IE journey, but I now feel confident to continue the work on my own, thanks to her support.
As a side note, our deep inner work actually helped me to consider a change in my career which I know will make me much happier - all thanks to IE and Michelle!”
““I found Michelle after reading about 60 pages of the Intuitive Eating book and thought that I would love to talk about this with someone. Twelve sessions later, I am still talking about it with Michelle. My goals are to remove food, prep, diet, calories, vegan, when, where, how much?, food food food from my brain every day. What a journey it has been! I am living a better life after coaching from Michelle, and I am going for six more sessions! I can’t wait to get more layers of diet culture off my brain and just LIVE without shame, guilt, confusion, anger, and exhaustion about my body and food. It’s only food and it’s just amazing how much diet culture has impacted my life and I didn’t realize it. I just thought I was a failure. I appreciate Michelle and consider her a BFF, sister, mom, aunt, all in one. She’s a PRO.””
“I contacted Michelle because I was struggling to accept the changes that I was seeing in my body. I had been working with a HAES RD for two years but was still addicted to the scale and thoughts of starting a new diet would still creep into my mind.
Michelle has helped me to understand and accept the changes in my body as a normal and expected part of the aging process. She has given me practical tools to use every day when thoughts of dieting again or weighing myself creep into my mind.
I cannot say that I love my body but I can say with Michelle‘s help, I am learning to respect and appreciate my body and what it does for me without fixating on a number on the scale.
Michelle has been missing the piece for me in learning to accept my body. She is kind, empathetic, approachable and knowledgeable. I feel like I can tell her anything without judgment.
I would recommend Michelle to people who are struggling with chronic dieting or who are obsessing about a number on the scale.”
“I approached Michelle because I was struggling with binge eating. I had been tracking what I ate and how much I exercised, as well as my weight for well over a decade and it was becoming problematic. It was causing me stress and interfering with my mental health. I wanted to feel “normal”. Michelle helped me realize I was normal! She also helped me recognize patterns in my life that were contributing to my binge and overeating. I found real results! I stopped tracking food, exercise, and my weight. This was so freeing! I still pay attention to food and I still love to exercise, but I’m not obsessed with the numbers of it all. My binge and overeating episodes have decreased significantly! I don’t have unrealistic goals that I will never do these things, but when I do, I know my body is trying to tell me something if I take the time to listen and learn. Michelle is kind and gentle. She understands and guides you to the place that is just right for you.”
“Michelle was an absolute pleasure to be coached by. Her approach to the topic is fresh and feels more at ease with my soul rather than jerking myself in and out of a diet or extreme fitness routine. Talking about such in intimate topic such as eating and our bodies is something that requires immense trust. Michelle brings an essence that she is worthy of that trust with genuine kindness, love, and complete presence to the topic at hand and to myself as an individual.Michelle’s approach is not only individualized. It is realistic for long term health in body, mind, and spirit. ”
“Michelle was a wonderful facilitator as well as a wealth of information. She helps you not only look at the various reasons as to why one turns to food for comfort but challenges you to dig deep and explore the real reasons why food has become a comfort. She provides a wealth of support and tools to help look beyond food and offers concrete suggestions on dealing with difficult situations without turning to food.
As a women’s health nurse practitioner, I would have no hesitation referring patients to her who are grappling with food issues.””
“I approached Michelle because while I had come far with IE on my own, I was having a hard time with a few parts of it. I had been in her group and so much of what she talked about really resonated with me. I found the experience very helpful, she brought an outside perspective and expertise that really aided me in seeing where I need to make some mindset changes.
I would recommend Michelle to anyone seeking to heal their relationship with their body and food. No matter where you are in your journey, she will meet you there with compassion. ”
“Michelle is the most honest, compassionate, caring coach to lead you to where you want to go in your life. She addresses exercise resistance in realistic, accepting ways that bring you past the obstacles.”
“I requested a coaching session with Michelle because I had experienced her kindness and commitment to sharing supportive information via email newsletters and FB group. I am very pleased with the results of our session. She listened and fully understood where I am in my journey and what I am experiencing. She offered sound feedback and followed up with helpful tools to work through my progress. I feel I can count on her for any future support and coaching. ”
“I reached out to Michelle after hearing her interviewed on a podcast. I wanted help primarily with exercise resistance, but also with middle-aged body changes. Our coaching sessions were immensely helpful! I learned so much about myself and my thought processes. For the first time, I feel that I made real progress in improving my relationship with movement and finding peace with my body as it is now at age 45, and beyond. I have come to think of Michelle as sort of the big sister I never had and finding her was such a gift!” ”
Joyful Movement at Last! Program Love
“I would recommend that Joyful Movement at Last Program to people who a struggling with being motivated to move in a healthy way. The program helped me back uncovering some of my thinking around movement and why I was resisting getting back into it. ”
“Michelle’s Joyful Movement at Last! program is well put together with relevant and helpful information that I believe could help many clients that may struggle in their relationship with movement. Michelle takes a gentle approach that is open-minded and curious, modeling many of the principles that she shares in this carefully designed program.”
“I joined Joyful Movement at Last! program because I was hoping to get away from movement rules and resistance to movement that came from punishing my body in the past with dieting and over-exercising. The program helped me to identify exactly how my perfectionism (in particular my ‘all or nothing’ thinking), was impeding me from making even small changes in my life. The result is that I’m no longer stuck on the idea that I “have to” do a certain amount of movement or else it doesn’t count. More and more frequently, I am approaching movement with a sense of joy and anticipation, the way my four-year-old does. ”
“If you’ve been struggling to move your body or heal your relationship with exercise, this program gives you EXACTLY what you need to bust through the resistance and mental barriers and connect with movement that works for your unique body and life. Michelle is compassionate, brilliant and an expert coach and you are in good hands with her program. I would highly recommend it!
“The Joyful Movement at Last! program helped me by getting me to look deeply at all my previous thoughts and beliefs surrounding exercise. From there it has shown me new ways of cultivating a relationship with movement and shown me that it can be healthy and joyful. ”
“I joined the Joyful Movement at Last! program because I have a long history of resisting movement, yet there was a time in my life spanning ~ 1-2 years where I truly enjoyed moving my body and I wanted to get back to that feeling. The program has helped me to identify some of my personal resistances to movement and provided some strategies for finding pleasure again.
Michelle as the facilitator is kind and approachable and teaches by example how to find compassion for one’s self.”
“I joined the Joyful Movement at Last! program because after years of dieting, eating disordered behavior and Exercise Bulimia, my relationship with exercise was completely disrupted. I liked the soft, but direct way that it forced me to challenge some of the thoughts in my head, which led me to at least start including exercise into my life again. ”