Let’s Talk About What’s Keeping You From Movement

Exercise resistance shows up for the majority of my clients and it makes them feel lost and defeated! They know all the benefits of movement and want to get back to it in some form, but when they think about doing it, those old diet-y type thoughts creep back in again. 

Similar to healing from a challenging relationship with food and body image, the key to discovering joyful movement is to develop a healthy relationship with it.

There is a way to recreate a healthy relationship with movement where you move your body to feel more energized, manage stress, help reduce potential health issues, and yet not obsess about losing weight or changing your body in the process. 

But, before you can do that, you have to first get beneath what is causing the resistance in the first place. My Joyful Movement at Last! program will help you do that! 

If you are looking to cultivate a healthy relationship with movement so you can discover what feels good for your body and fits into your life without all the rigid rules, this program is for you!