“Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
— Misty Copeland
Private Coaching
As a professionally trained body image and Certified Intuitive Eating Coach, my goal is to provide a judgment-free space so you can freely discover your needs. As your coach, my primary role is to listen intently, help you to untangle any ambivalence or struggles you may be experiencing, and support you so you can make more aligned decisions based on your personal values. My weight-neutral, holistic coaching approach is informed by several leading eating models/philosophies and by my own lived experience.
What to Expect
Before your first session, you’ll be asked to complete a detailed online questionnaire so I can get an initial assessment of your overall health, including your medical history, food and dieting history, your relationship with movement, sleep and stress management. We then work together to discern your overall coaching intentions so you can remain focused and engaged during our time together.
I usually work with clients for an average of 12 sessions because based on my 10 years of experience coaching, that is often the amount of time it takes for clients to feel confident enough on their own.
My door is always open for previous clients who wish to schedule periodic check-in sessions when concerns surface where they feel more support is needed.
Unlike quick-fix diets, this is a process that requires time and patience. Support makes a significant difference because it helps in reducing overwhelm, doubt, and anxiety as you adapt to this process.
Some Topics We’ll Explore Together
While every client has unique needs, themes are common when doing this work. At a minimum, you’ll receive coaching and support around:
Exploring the nuances and challenges of integrating the intuitive eating principles into everyday life so you can experience more peaceful eating and cultivate body trust
Identifying your “shoulds”, expectations, and beliefs so you can see how they’re negatively impacting your sense of self-worth and preventing you from feeling that you’re “enough”
Using a unique and effective 5-step framework, learn to neutralize self-doubt, fear, and self-sabotage so you recreate your relationships with food, body image, and movement with less resistance
Identifying the actionable steps you’ll need to take to cultivate a sustainable self-compassion practice so you can fully embrace body acceptance without feeling like you’re “giving up on yourself”
Providing practical tools and resources so you can easily learn to process your feelings and mourn the loss of your “ideal” body while cultivating resilience and body trust
Learning the 7-step process for working through comparisonitis and fear of judgment
Clarifying the obstacles and resistance that are keeping you from movement (a.k.a. exercise) so you can begin to recreate a healthy relationship with movement that does not trigger diet mentality thoughts
Coaching Packages Include Value
50-minute initial session
Comprehensive body image and food assessment
Two, 50-minute follow-up sessions each month (on average)
Follow-up sessions focus on previous sessions, tool building, emotional processing, and open discussion about what next session plans are
Homework between sessions generally includes things like journaling prompts (if you like journaling), skill-building observation ideas, worksheets, multimedia tools, and workbook assignments
Email recap including brief session notes
Unlimited basic email support between sessions
The investment in coaching is undeniable. When needed, I work with my clients to help make coaching possible financially. With a doctor’s note, many (this is not a guarantee) Health Savings Accounts (HSA) cover coaching costs. I encourage you to schedule a connection call to discuss your options so you won’t delay your healing any longer.
Ready to take the next step? Schedule a connection call with me today!