Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
— Misty Copeland


As a Certified Intuitive Eating Coach, my goal is to provide a judgment-free space so we can freely discuss your needs. As your coach, my primary role is to listen intently, help you to untangle any ambivalence or struggles you may be experiencing, and support you so you can make more aligned decisions based on your individual values and needs. My weight-neutral coaching approach is informed by the Health at Every Size® philosophy, mindfulness, intuitive eating, and my own lived experience.


What to Expect

Before your first session, you’ll be asked to complete a detailed online questionnaire so I can get an initial assessment of your overall health, including medical history, food and dieting history, food intake, movement, sleep and stress management. We then will work together to discern what you’d like to experience as a result of coaching together so you can remain focused and engaged during our time together.


How Often Will We Meet?

While it’s hard to say exactly how many sessions a client will need before they are feeling confident enough to work on their own, typically it takes between 6-12 months to embrace intuitive eating. Depending on the clients needs, we’ll usually meet once a week for a while and then we’ll meet every other week until they are feeling more comfortable with their practice. Unlike quick fix diets, this is a process that requires time and patience. Support makes a significant difference because it reduces overwhelm and doubt.

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1:1 private session

90 minute initial session


During your first session we will review your questionnaire and fine-tune your coaching intentions. Together, we will discuss how we’ll spend our coaching time together in the weeks ahead. Subsequent sessions are designed to address any challenges you experience along the way.

50 minute subsequent sessions

$98 each

*These sessions are available either in-person or virtually via videoconferencing

6 session package

1 initial 90 minute session + five 50-minute follow up sessions

$555 (10% savings)

This package is designed to provide an ideal amount of sessions to support the start of your journey with Intuitive Eating.

*These sessions are available either in-person or virtually via videoconferencing



online group coaching

$175 - rolling admission

My online Facebook Intuitive Eating Workbook Club community is thriving with like-minded women who are also working toward a healthier relationship with food and body. This 10-week group experience journey’s through the Intuitive Eating workbook and features 10 lessons that explore the nuances of each principle, live weekly Q & A calls, and one monthly group coaching call per month.

*This group is helpful for people at any stage of their intuitive eating journey, but is not suitable for those in treatment for an active eating disorder.